Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Va'etchanan / Nachamu


This week's portion is VaEtchanan. This Shabbat is also known as Nachamu, 'Be Consoled,' which is the title of this week's post-Tishah b'Av Haftorah of consolation.

VaEtchanan begins with Moshe's description of his prayer to be allowed to enter Israel. Moshe details Gd's refusal to allow him to enter Israel, and then Moshe turns to the people and explains what he wants them to do after he passes on.

Moshe tells them:
1. Don't forget Sinai, and the Torah I have taught you.
2. Don't stray into idolatry.
3. Always remember that repentance is possible; even when you stray and suffer national punishment, Gd will accept you back if you return

Moshe then begins to prepare the Jews for life in Israel.

He first establishes cities of refuge, which are meant as safety zones for people who kill accidentally. Moshe establishes three cities on the eastern side of the Jordan River; when the Jews enter Israel they establish three more such cities. Moshe's cities were not "activated" until the other cities were established, but Moshe wanted to do as much as he could toward the Mitzvah.

Moshe then recounts the theology that will mark the Jews as a unique nation in Israel. He reminds them of their experience at Sinai, repeating the Ten Commandments and recalling the nation's awe at that revelation. He instructs the people in the basic belief in one Gd, reciting the "Shma" and declaring the Mitzvah of loving Gd.

Moshe then warns the Jews that in their success in Israel they shouldn't forget Gd and assimilate among the Canaanite nations; they must retain their unique spiritual identity.

Have a great day,

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