Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Acharei Mot


This week's portion is Acharei Mot.

Our portion begins where Sh'mini, the portion from three weeks ago, left off. [The intervening two portions, Tazria and Metzora, listed ritual purity-related instructions Gd gave to Aharon (Aaron) during the events that occurred during the Sh'mini portion.]

Now, having dedicated the Mishkan in Sh'mini, the Jews learn about the Mishkan's greatest day of the year, Yom Kippur. Specifically, they learn about the offerings of Yom Kippur and that day's special capacity for purification.

After this section the Torah provides general rules related to offerings. Among the benefits of these rules, such as the laws prohibiting consuming blood and bringing offerings outside the Mishkan, is that they help keep people away from idolatry.

The portion concludes with the laws prohibiting immoral relationships; these laws are mentioned here because the prohibited relationships were actually part of the practices of the idolatrous Egyptian and Canaanite cults that Gd wanted the Jews to reject.

Note that there will be no Torah Portion Outline next week, since the Shabbat reading will be a Pesach reading (from the portion of B'shalach).

Have a great day,

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