Wednesday, April 9, 2008



This week's portion is Metzora.

The portion of Metzora defines the process of repair for a person with Tzaraat. Our sages teach that even when Tzaraat manifests itself as a skin disease (as opposed to the clearly supernatural marks on clothes or walls), it represents an internal, spiritual disease related to slandering other people.

The treatment process for Tzaraat begins with inspection by a Kohen to determine whether one truly has Tzaraat, and to determine the end of the Tzaraat infection. One then immerses in a Mikvah, and brings offerings in the Beit haMikdash (Temple).

The portion then continues to discuss the appearance of Tzaraat marks on a person’s home, and what one should do if he sees such marks.

The portion concludes by discussing Tumah - ritual impurity - associated with male and female discharges. As some explain it, Tumah is associated with the loss of potential for life. Thus men with genital discharge, or women who lose an egg, go through a period of Tumah and then purify themselves in a Mikvah.

Have a great day,

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