Wednesday, May 28, 2008



This week's portion, the first in the book of BiMidbar (Numbers), is called "BiMidbar."

Some people pronounce this "BaMidbar." "Bimidbar" means "in the desert of," and is the way the word appears in the Torah's text.

The book of Shemot (Exodus) described the Jews’ journey from a life of slavery toward becoming a nation of Torah and of communication with Gd.
The book of Vayyikra (Leviticus) listed the laws of holiness, and the laws governing service in the Mishkan, where the Jews communicated with Gd.
The book of Bimidbar (Numbers), which begins with this week’s reading, tells of the Jews’ travels through the desert, toward Israel.

The first three portions of the book of Bimidbar deal with preparations for that journey.

Our portion of Bimidbar begins with a census, before the Jews begin to travel. Gd counts the Jews several times during their recorded trips through the desert; one explanation for the constant counting is that Gd does this to demonstrate His love for, and attention to, the Jewish people. We shower attention on the objects of our love.

The Jews are then instructed in their travel formations and in the flags each tribe will carry. The tribe of Levi is taught how to dismantle and transport the Mishkan, the Temple which will travel with the Jews, through the desert.

Have a great day,

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