Wednesday, May 7, 2008



This week's portion is Emor.

The previous Torah portion (Kedoshim) dealt with laws of sanctity for the general Jewish population. Emor begins with laws of sanctity for Kohanim, the 'priests' who served in the Mishkan and Beit haMikdash (Central Temple).

The Kohanim are taught that as priests of life, they must stay away from any association with death other than to take care of the burial of an immediate family member. They are also instructed that they may not marry divorcees; we are given no reason for this law, but some explain that it is meant to prevent any potential animosity or scandal from tainting the public view of the Beit haMikdash.

The Kohen Gadol (Head Kohen) is not even allowed to come in contact with death to bury a family member, and has even greater restrictions on whom he may marry.

The portion then presents laws governing offerings, as well as consumption of animals which are not offerings. The portion then lists the various holidays of the year, starting with Shabbat as the foundation of Creation and then moving through the calendar.

Moshe’s brother Aharon is then told to bring the oil for the Menorah, as well as the flour for the bread which would be on display in the Temple during the week.

The Torah portion concludes with the story of a man who blasphemed Gd. Blaspheming against Gd, invoking the Divine Name, involves a rejection of Gd’s existence and power, and so he was harshly punished.

Have a great day,

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